Sunday, August 24, 2003

Hedwig Review

Hedwig and the angry inch review!

For those of you who may not have heard of Hedwig its an award winning musical performance that deals with finding yourself, your dreams, your soul mate, your feminine side, and all the while living life to the fullest. Its a great movie I think I would limit it to describe it further.

Its a must see at least once!

Hedwig and the angry inch is becoming a cult classic for young movie goers. Perhaps even a Rocky Horror Picture Show for the next generation.

Many of the shows have a cast of actors that work off the scenes and give the audience a reason to go back next week.

The Hedwig performance I recently attended was here in Los Angeles. The theatre group Rainbow Carnage provides a lot of new ideas and entertainment to go along with the traditional movie performance.

Hedwig Fan Club Gives an overview and locations nearest you!
Rainbow Carnage Homepage

If you are here in Los Angeles Hedwig shows every fourth Friday of the month at the Fairfax theatre. You can also visit the rainbow carnage link here in this post.


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